Hello Rainer,
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving?

>Does the coredump also occur, if you set JkLogLevel to info or error?
Yes I tried changing to info or error and both got the dump. Also removed the 
statement and it dumped.

I get the dump if I leave any of the Jk statements in httpd.conf. Interesting 
how the
configtest causes the problem as if Apache does not like one of the statements?

 You can remove the next three lines. They are useless.

> workers.tomcat_home=/opt/freeware/apache-tomcat

> workers.java_home=/usr/local/bin/java

> ps=/

I had tomcat_home in here since there are multiple levels of Tomcat running for 
different products?
Not sure how this works or if I need to have if running multiple Tomcats?

I added the java_home to /usr/loca/bin/java which is a link to java 1.4. The 
default on this system for JAVA_HOME is
Java 1.3 for an older product we are running.
Not sure how this works?  I overrode JAVA_HOME when I did the compile so it 
would pickup the 1.4 version.

I commented them out for the other statements you recommended for now.

Does the jk request log go to the access log automatically?
It seems it would default to

> pwd
> ls
access_log   error_log

Well I am at a lose what is causing the core dumps. Doing google searches I 
found a few items, but not sure if it applies to me.

As for using gdb I don't believe we have it installed. If you think this is the 
next step, then I could look into downloading this to

When you had me run the file command it looks as if mod_jk.so was ok.
file mod_jk.so
mod_jk.so: executable (RISC System/6000) or object module not stripped

Like I mentioned above, configtest seems to think there is an issue with the JK 
statements so I don't think mod_jk.so is even being loaded?

Nothing is getting written to the mod_jk log file.

> pwd
> ls -la
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     system          256 Nov 21 11:19 ./
drwxr-xr-x   9 root     system          256 Nov 21 10:39 ../
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system            0 Nov 21 11:19 mod_jk.log*

Once again, thanks for the help..

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