Blumlein,Richard wrote:
Hello Rainer, Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving?

That's not really tradition in Germany, at least not with turkeys. But yes, had a nice weekend.

Does the coredump also occur, if you set JkLogLevel to info or
Yes I tried changing to info or error and both got the dump. Also
removed the statement and it dumped.

I get the dump if I leave any of the Jk statements in httpd.conf.
Interesting how the configtest causes the problem as if Apache does
not like one of the statements?

Configtest actually runs a lot of module code. See your second mail, which I'll comment in a minute.

You can remove the next three lines. They are useless.




I had tomcat_home in here since there are multiple levels of Tomcat
running for different products? Not sure how this works or if I need
to have if running multiple Tomcats?

I added the java_home to /usr/loca/bin/java which is a link to java
1.4. The default on this system for JAVA_HOME is Java 1.3 for an
older product we are running. Not sure how this works?  I overrode
JAVA_HOME when I did the compile so it would pickup the 1.4 version.

I commented them out for the other statements you recommended for

mod_jk neither needs Java, not does it need to know, where in your file system tomcat resides. Usually Tomcat is on some other node in the network. mod_jk talks to Tomcat via TCP/IP, so it only needs to know IP and port it should talk to.

Those two parameters are obsolete and have been used in ancient times to start the Tomcat code inside the Apache httpd process (and then communicate via JNI). That doesn' work any more since a long time ...

Does the jk request log go to the access log automatically? It seems
it would default to

access_log   error_log

You can log to the apache access log. For this you use a cutom log format like explained on

You need to know, that mod_jk provides a couple of "notes" inside Apache, that you can integrate in the access logs. Those notes are listen on

Search for mod_log_config and have a look at the table below this and the example below the table.

On to your second mail ...

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