On Nov 26, 2007 10:04 AM, Bob Grabbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Our web site has had an ssl certificate from Godaddy for the last two years.
> I'm trying to update the certificate because it just expired. After the
> expiration, before updating I was able to get to the main page, with a
> certificate error. After the update of the certificaste I'm not able to get
> to the https page at all.

> Downloaded the server certificate, Godaddy certificates and recreated the
> keystore.

? That sounds a little off -- the keystore should have been created as
a first step, followed by generating the certificate request to send off
to GoDaddy.

> At this point I can open the http page, but if I try to open the https url I
> don't get anything.

And the logs say ____________?

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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