----- Original Message ----- From: "DIGLLOYD INC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: Why GlassFish

Disclaimer: I am a Glassfish developer, working for Sun. So you can ignore whatever I say. :)

I run Tomcat for my server (diglloyd.com), for specific reasons. Glassfish is a terrific product and so is Tomcat. Which is better depends on the goal, as with any product.

Glassfish URL:  https://glassfish.dev.java.net/

Glassfish V2 has a number of differences with Tomcat, here are just a few:

- it's a full Java EE compliant server (eg, servlet, ejb, etc)
- it offers a fantastic web-based management interface, along with an extensive command-line interface
- it offers an extensive MBean interface for management and monitoring
- support for MySQL and Java DB built in
- commercial support from Sun at a variety of levels

It does indeed incorporate Tomcat, though there are some differences with Valves and configuration and deployment.

Glassfish V3 moves to a powerful OSGi-based modular system. With V3, you'll essentially be able to pare a system down to any form you like, one that could run (for example), just Tomcat.

Tomcat is a great technology. Glassfish is too, but has a much wider range of features. Sometimes simple is better, sometimes more features are better.

Lloyd Chambers

Yes... I was being somewhat flippant... what can I say, I'm a tomcat fan and not too fond of EJB... .... but Sam, if you trying to understand when you may use EJB... heres a scenario for you...

You got a massive company... there are guys writing code for stock control, book keeping, customer registers... yada yada.

Now within the company... say a bank... this code is being used by tellers, and managers and suppliers and everyone... So the big idea is that instead of writing the code a million times... its written as modules and placed on a central EJB server..

Then when *any program* whether that be a servlet in tomcat, or a desktop app, or a autoteller... say needs Mr X's balance..

They all ask the same bean... getMeTheBalanceOf(Mr X)... in the same server...

This EJB box is sitting there with the IT people... and if they change the "biz logic" centrally... it changes "everywhere"..

The idea is to keep the code tidy and in one place and its never duplicated... even if you have 10 Tomcats running and 620 desktop apps...

Thats the idea of the EJB server...

It does get some competition because of other application technologies like SOAP (Axis) that can also allow apps to work against TC... So there is overlap... but its not uncommon for large co's with big budgets to go the EJB way...

Learning EJB is a much steeper learning curve than little old tomcat... and it tends to need a maintenance contract between
the big co and the EJB vendor...

There are many EJB servers out there...
Spring... actually no I think they just dumped the EJB spec in favor of OSGI
openejb... I think that is a plugin for tomcat..
Resin... has an EJB module...

There is only one Pojo Application Server
Its like EJB, just more powerful and runs normal Java code... it runs on Tomcat

and there are probably many more out there that I'm forgetting

Thats the idea behind EJB... writing the code once and having it centrally administered...

And heres the really interesting thing... they all use Tomcat ;)

HARBOR : http://www.kewlstuff.co.za/index.htm
The most powerful application server on earth.
The only real POJO Application Server.
See it in Action : http://www.kewlstuff.co.za/cd_tut_swf/whatisejb1.htm

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