On 19.02.2009 15:24, Pete Helgren wrote:
It does resolve to h t t p : // w w w . a c o r r e c t d o m a i n n a
m e . c o m /images/bg_hdr_logo.gif

I would post the real link if the firewall allowed 8080 traffic through
because then you could see the difference between the 'domain
reference'/images/bg_hdr_logo.gif and the 'domain
reference':8080/images/bg_hdr_logo.gif. The 8080 URL displays fine. The
one at :80 displays nothing but a missing image.

OK, I can now see the original image link. What was the original page URL, that you were calling in your browser? Originally you wrote about /MyApp, but below you write about having it deployed as the ROOT context, so your JkMount would be something like

JkMount /* myappw

Was the page retrieved via the URL

h t t p : // w w w . a c o r r e c t d o m a i n n a m e . c o m /

or via a different URL?

mod_jk automatically forwards server name and port used to contact httpd to the Tomcat connector, and when the webapp asks tomcat how it got contacted it will answer with the originl httpd data. That's what one wants for a reverse proxy, and what's build in into the AJP protocol used between httpd and Tomcat with mod_jk.

You can overwrite this automatic game by setting proxy-Attributes on the AJP connector, but that's very unusual and should only be used, if for instance there is yet another reverse proxy in front of your httpd and thus the httpd/mod_jk already do not know the correct host name, port and protocol.

The Tomcat application is installed at ROOT so tonight I may try
installing it at a different context and change the JKMount point and
see if that makes a difference. I do have an identical application
installed on a different server using Tomcat and Apache at a different
context and behind ISA server and it works fine. I am just trying to get
to the bottom of why this particular application instance installed at
ROOT on Tomcat is responding OK and rendering OK at :8080/MyApp but
through AJP it has no images at :80/MyApp.

Try rethinking: do you have a server name problem, a port problem or a context path problem. I had the impression you had either a server name or a port problem. Then the ROOT context will not help.




Rainer Jung wrote:
On 19.02.2009 05:35, Pete Helgren wrote:
What do the URL's look like? Here is an example. If I right click and
get the properties on the "missing" image, I see this (well I'd add a
more "real" looking URL but the this mailing list has rejected my last 9
attempts as spam...):

MyDomain/images/bg_hdr_logo.gif and the image does NOT display.

What is MyDomain? Some placeholder you chose instead of showing us the
real value, or is it actually sying "MyDomain"?

If so, where does that come from? The config you showed us doesn't
contain a glimpse of "MyDomain".

The actual source from that page <view source> shows this:

<td valign="top" class="body12"><img src="images/bg_hdr_logo.gif"
width="254" height="132" border="0"></td>

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