Thanks. I *will* dig deeper and experiment a bit when I get the time. I doubt that Freemarker had much impact on the final rendering and the context since it is just a templating tool, not specific to web apps. Niggle (which uses Freemarker) might have something to do with it and we had a developer that tweaked Niggle some, but that was a *long* time ago (I don't think Niggle has seen any action since 2002).

I really hadn't looked very carefully at deployment issues so this is now on my list to understand more completely so I don't run into any issues on future deployments.

I appreciate the pointers and the patience. There is always something more to learn in this business and it's always good to have my assumptions challenged which in this case were all wrong.


Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 2/20/2009 12:25 AM, Pete Helgren wrote:
Chris suggested that I use
JKMount /<context>/* but not knowing exactly how that would play when
the context was ROOT

With "JkMount /context/*", a ROOT-deployed application won't work
without other configuration.

If you'd really like to do that, you can search the archives for uses of
mod_rewrite to change the name of the context portion of the URL (or
even remove it). I believe mod_proxy_ajp makes this even easier because
it can "mount" and "rewrite" all in one step:

ProxyPass /context ajp13://localhost:8009/

Note the lack of "context" at the end of that second URL.

I went ahead and installed the application at the
/asaap3 context so the final JKMount entry was /asaap3/* . That works! And I understand why. All of the folders like /templates /scripts
/images /stylesheets are off of the context so now the /asaap3/ASAAP
pages have the correct url mapping.  The anyhost/asaap3/ASAAP returns
the correct path to anyhost/asaap3/images/bg_hdr_logo.gif

So you can not only find the correct page, but the correct images as
well. The slightly longer URL isn't an issue.  /asaap3/ASAAP vs /ASAAP
isn't a problem.

You can also map "/" to a servlet if "ASAAP" is actually your controller
servlet or something. Then your URL would be "anyhost/asaap3/".

- -chris

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