Good Afternoon Peter:

Apache is hamstrung by the number of prefork processes it can spawn..
from what I gather at

"in httpd.conf for mpm_prefork_module determine the size of your average Apache
    process, by looking at your process list via a tool such as
    top, and divide this into your total available memory,
    leaving some room for other processes.

    Beyond that the rest is mundane: get a fast enough CPU, a
    fast enough network card..."


assume your footrprint for ApacheProcess is 13,472 
assume your AvailableRAM is <=888,832
then leave MaxClients alone as the default of 256 will be assigned

more RAM allows one to up MaxClients and allow mpm_prefork to spawn more procs

(i havent seen any tests to bear this conclusion)
Martin --
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> From:
> To:
> Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 15:43:28 +0000
> Subject: RE: very off topic marketing question
> > From: Jason Pyeron []
> > "PHP by itself is very fast. Much faster than ASP or JSP
> > running on the same
> > type of server. This is because it has very little overhead
> > compared to its
> > competitors and it pre-compiles all of its code before it
> > runs each script"
> >
> > How would others respond to this?
> PHP doesn't scale as well under heavy load.  If they are genuinely interested 
> in scalability, figures 4-12 of 
> should be interesting to them.
> I'm also particularly amused by the topmost set of bars in figure 2, given 
> how proud the perl-ites are of their RE library and performance ;-).
> I copy the paper's conclusions here:
> "8   Conclusion
> "When implementing a web server system which will never experience high load, 
> or in
> which performance, throughput, and reliability under high load is not an 
> issue, then
> the use of any of the analyzed languages or web servers will achieve similar
> performance results. If outstanding performance and throughput is the primary 
> goal,
> then the use of JSP over PHP is advisable. However, if a 5-10% difference in
> throughput and performance is acceptable, then the implementer of a web 
> system can
> achieve similar results using either PHP or JSP. In which case, other 
> requirements
> such as developer language familiarity and programming efficiency, 
> maintainability,
> security, reliability, middleware compatibility, etc. would be the deciding 
> factors. It is
> also reassuring to developers of both language runtimes and web servers, that
> enhancements to either can offer performance improvements to the community."
>                 - Peter
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