Gregor Schneider wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> - I think an overview of thenew features of Tomcat 7 would be great
Mladen was talking about presenting a "Tomcat community overview" I'll
let him give some more details on that.

> - Fillip did a talk about the new Servlet Specs 3.0
I think he included that in the CFP but good to know there is interest :)

> - Concerning how often questions regarding mod_jk are showing up in
> the list: mod_jk - HowTo / Best practices
Any takers for presenting this?

> - I very much liked the talk "becoming a tomcat superuser"
It was included in the CFP. Happy to do it again.

> Mark, I wrote a mail to Fillip since his presentations of the
> ApacheCon EU (Servlet 3.0 etc.) are not available via the
> ApacheCon-website, however, seems as if my mail went straight into
> Fillip's Spam-folder. Could you maybe ask him if he could provide his
> slight from the last ApachCon? And please /not/ on
> 1st, I don't like to register there, 2nd, I'd actually like to avoid
> installing Flash...

The conference organisers took copies of our slides and promised us they
would upload them for us. Oh well. I uploaded mine myself. I'll see if
Filip can do the same.


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