André Warnier wrote:
To me thus, the "correct" way - and the only way a browser would do it - to POST this data, would be in the form of a multipart/form-data body, itself composed of a MIME header and a body that would be the XML blob.

If I may:

       function loadXMLDoc(xmlRequest) {
               var xmlDoc;
               xmlDoc = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
     "POST", parent.serverURL, false);
               xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/xml");
xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("Content-length", xmlRequest.length);
               xmlDoc.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
               return xmlDoc.responseXML;

(Yes, I know I'm doing doing the proper HTTP status return checks. This is very rough code at the moment.)

I went with this for two reasons: one, it is absurdly simple and two, there is no required encoding. If I want to send a blob of data, then I'm going to send a blob of data. I saw a really simple, easy way out of encoding (sometimes /very/) long strings into the proper urlencoded form. I pass in an XML string, I get an XML string back - no extra effort involved. Granted, the getParameter*() methods are there for a reason. I just chose not to use them.

My point, is that it is entirely possible for a browser to POST data to a resource without sending it as multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

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