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On 6/19/2009 4:10 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] 
>> Subject: Re: Reading POSTed data
>> The servlet spec is very clear about when the request is consumed
>> to fulfill a getParameter call and when the request is specifically
>> /not/ consumed.
> What I find problematic is that the spec gives no hint about how to
> process POST data that is not parameterized.  Lack of mentioning any
> alternative gives the impression that parameterization is the only
> way of handling it, whereas real-world practice is quite different.

You're right: the spec does not specifically mention how to read POST
data that isn't handled by the container. On the other hand, should it?
I don't believe so: the spec tells you that the data will still be
available in the request input stream/reader and that the application
can do what it wishes. What did you expect it to say? Some best
practices or suggestions perhaps? That kind of thing doesn't really
appear anywhere else in the spec.

Multipart is a good example: multipart requests are not mentioned a
single time in the spec, yet those types of requests are used every day
by lots of people without interference from containers.

- -chris
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