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On 10/5/2009 6:45 AM, Carlos García Gómez wrote:
> I have this hardware solution
> + One HTTP/HTTPS balancer.
> + four serves 
>  - Two Apaches (A1 and A2).
>  - Mod_JK loadbalancer. (software)
>  - Two Tomcats (T1 and T2). (CLUSTERED)

Are these all cross-wired? For example, can I get through any of the 4
servers being load-balanced to any of the Tomcat servers? Or, am I stuck
on 1/4 of the Tomcats once the lb picks a route?

(Just a note: your hardware configuration seems overly complicated. If
you already have a hardware load balancer, why not simply connect that
directly to your Tomcat nodes? Or, if you really want to use Apache
httpd, then why not do something like this:

       / --- A1 ----> T1
hw lb -
       \ --- A2 ----> T2

Is there an advantage to having two layers of load-balancing?)

> OPTION 1: Use an HTTP port.

I agree that multiple ports are not an ideal solution.

> OPTION 2: Use two xml archives.
> CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/www.test.org/manager1.xml
> CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/www.test.org/manager2.xml
> And in apache 
> JkMount /manager1 tomcat1
> JkMount /manager2 tomcat2
> but I dislike this option too because I don´t want to be creating two
> xmls archives in each Host that want to use with the application.
> Even must be too many application like manager (probe, host-manager,
> admin....)

I don't think you really need two "xml archives". I think what you
really want to do is something like this:

1. Deploy the manager webapp on all Tomcat nodes (this is an absolute
   requirement, of course, since you want to be able to reach
   a manager on any node at any time)

2. Disable load-balancing for your manager URLs (like /manager1 or

3. Configure URLs on A1 and A2 for use with each Tomcat node's manager:


   RewriteEngine On
   <Location /manager1>
     RewriteRule /manager1 /manager
     SetHandler jakarta-servlet
     JkMount /* tomcat1


   RewriteEngine On
   <Location /manager2>
     RewriteRule /manager2 /manager
     SetHandler jakarta-servlet
     JkMount /* tomcat2

You also have another option: you can set the JSESSIONID parameter in
your URL to explicitly set the jvmRoute. Try something like this:

http://host/manager;JSESSIONID=[your session id].tomcat1
http://host/manager;JSESSIONID=[your session id].tomcat2

(I think this syntax is correct).

- -chris
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