On 17/05/2010 12:36, Stephen . wrote:
> Hi all,
> just a quick question.
> I am currently using a stand-alone Tomcat Server to run an application.
> However, I plan to expand this application (which is web-based) to enable 
> "Authentication" processes from external IDPs  (Identity Providers).
> Unfortunately, to be able to implement this, the IDPs require that Tomcat 
> must not be a stand-alone server. It requires Apache  (apparently, all 
> authentication requests will need to be routed via the Apache)
> My question is : is it possible to make this change (somehow install, or 
> "place" Apache in front of my current Tomcat server)?  Or does this require a 
> whole new installation of Apache Tomcat?
> I am using : Apache Tomcat 6.0.18

6.0.26 is shinier.  [Hint].

> (Funny thing : I always thought that the name "Apache Tomcat" automatically 
> meant that my server already had Apache in front of it. But, it seems I was 
> wrong)

HTTPD can be run alongside/in front of Tomcat, using mod_jk or mod_proxy
to forward some/all requests to the latter.

Typical use cases are using HTTPD as a poor-mans load-balancer, or when
combining different technologies (e.g. PHP, Java/JSP).

HTTPD can handle authentication, or Tomcat can, but not both at the same
AFAIK.  The AJP Connector will need it's 'tomcatAuthentication'
attribute set to 'false' in the former case.

Out of interest, which IDPs require Apache HTTPD?


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