Sorry if I drop in here getting a bit off-topic, howver:

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 1:54 PM, Pid <> wrote:
> On 17/05/2010 12:36, Stephen . wrote:
> HTTPD can handle authentication, or Tomcat can, but not both at the same
> AFAIK.  The AJP Connector will need it's 'tomcatAuthentication'
> attribute set to 'false' in the former case.

was never aware of said attribute.

what i'd like to know:

from the docs, it says:

> tomcatAuthentication  
> If set to true, the authentication will be done in Tomcat. Otherwise, the 
> authenticated principal will be propagated from the native
> webserver and used for authorization in Tomcat. The default value is true.

hm, that puzzles me a bit...

does it also work vice-versa, meaning that autorization is handled by
tomcat and then passed back to native httpd?

would be a real bummer if we could dump that mod_auth_cookie_mysql-stuff...


just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you...
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