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Good thing these are marked as [OT]... we have totally hijacked Bruce's
thread. Maybe we should start another.

On 3/1/2011 4:07 PM, Tony Anecito wrote:
> I am just trying to figure out what is the fastest was to handle my app. I 
> was 
> shooting for less than 1msec at Tomcat which I not have done. Now I want to 
> get 
> to 100 microseconds. Years ago from an logical architecture standpoint It was:
> 1. Apache web server - JBoss, then 
> 2. Apache - Tomcat - JBoss
> 3. APR/Tomcat - JBoss. 

Do you mean you are using Tomcat out in front of JBoss? Why not just use
JBoss directly? That'll probably buy you more than any other
configuration change.

> I currently am using 200MB xmx, xms, -server, NUMA, and set my new generation 
> to 
> be large since my objects are short lived. I do not remember my other 
> settings. 
> I am beginning to think simpler is better for settings since at 1msec or less 
> any time spent by the processor might be wasted time.

Generally speaking, you should let the GC configure itself unless you
really know what you are doing or have to work around some specific problem.

> I am very curious how you got 50K requests per second.

You'll have to be more specific. Do you mean in my performance tests?
Which one? Did you read all of the setup info in the earlier slides?

> I can get 1K per second on my AMD 6 core system. What was your client setup?

It's all in the PDF.

> I ran my client on the same
> server as my APR/Tomcat-JBoss and I am setting up the client on a laptop so I 
> am 
> not sharing resources. For the client I am using ApacheHttp class running in 
> Eclipse and launch each http request in a different thread.

How many threads are you talking about using, here?

> I ended 
> up configuring Tomcat for 400 connections which made a big difference. I 
> still 
> have alot more testing/tuning to do and I hope to get to it over the next 
> couple 
> of evenings.

100 microseconds seems like an arbitrary target. Where did it come from?

- -chris
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