Russ Michaels wrote:
thanks for the replies guys.

just to clarify I do not have any issues with virtual hosts they work
fine, my only problem is getting the Tomcat Admin running on
localhost:8888, this is the only thing not working right now.

As I mentioned before
under webapps I have 4 folders

and I have compared the contents of these folders to other working
installs and they are the same.

also exists and also contains the same files as other working installs
and as per mark's email

so just to confirm
localhost:8888/index.jsp works
I get the tomcat homepage
but the manager and status pages give a 404

Allright, but what I meant was this :
In your original configuration, you have 2 <Host> tags, thus 2 VirtualHosts, both sharing the same (tomcat_dir)/webapps application directory. If the configuration of these 2 <Host> tags were identical, both with the "autoDeploy" attribute true, then when starting, Tomcat would deploy each application under (tomcat_dir)/webapps twice (once for each Host). But, in your original configuration, it seems that the second Host does not have this attribute set (nor "unpackWars"). Thus for this Host, the applications under webapps (including the manager) may not be auto-deployed, and not be available.

In any case, you are trying to debug an issue, and for that a usual strategy is to try to simplify the configuration, to make it easier to find the real issue and not being sidetracked.

So what I would do in this case, unless you have a real use for a separate "localhost" Host, is this :
- comment out the second virtual Host.
- optionally(*), in the first "localhost" virtual Host, add 2 Alias tags :
So now the same Host will be used, no matter if you access the server via http://localhost or http://(one of the above), and the applications will be started (or not) only once.

then restart Tomcat and let's see what happens.

Then if that works, you can try to re-introduce the second Host and its manager app step-by-step and see at what point it stops working.

(*) optionally in this case, because the Host "localhost" is the default one anyway, and will server all requests if there are no other Host.
The Alias-es here just make things clearer documentation-wise.

The point is : the standard Apache Tomcat, downloaded and installed from the standard Apache Tomcat website, works, including the manager application. Now you have a configuration created by "railo" (which I do not know), and in that version something is not working.
So railo does something to the configuration, that makes it not work.
So this is basically a railo problem, not a Tomcat problem.
And we can't possibly look onto your system, to find out what else railo may be doing that makes it not work. People on this list are nevertheless willing to help find out, but let's start from as close as possible to a standard Tomcat config, so that we could gain a clue.
Yes ?

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