Am 31.05.2012 11:09, schrieb Mark Thomas:
On 31/05/2012 10:02, Christian Finckler wrote:
as far I understood, the websocket implementation of tomcat is using one
thread per client.
Is there also a possibility to configure it to use non blocking IO?
No. That has not yet been implemented. It shouldn't be too hard provided
that non-blocking is used between messages and blocking is used during
messages. Obviously, the BIO connector will always use blocking.


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Ok, if that is so easy, it should be done. I am developing an online game, in which the player dont send messages very often (max: ten messages per minute), but is is very important to get the messages of other players very fast. Thats why I want to use websockets. But now it would be sad, if I need multiple tomcat instances only for connection handling although the process handling itself is not very complicated (cpu and memory intensive).

Thank you,

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