I find the Canadian (Ontario) approach of the height problem to be the best.

Thay have an automated digital camera to take your picture. You are required
to stand in front of a panel while the camera adjust itself and in the same
time computes your height. 
After that, you just get your license that has the picture and the height in

!!Guess why, I never changed my DL to a US one. !!


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 05 December, 2000 18:14
To: U.S. Metric Association
Subject: [USMA:9546] Re: SC Driver's License


I agree with your alternatives. However, I feel no compulsion to give a
terribly accurate conversion. If asked how tall I am, I reply "192 cm". If
asked to convert, I reply "6 feet".

I do think that it should be on the state to do the proper conversion. As
been said here before, you don't really use the data on your license, so you
needn't require them to write down the metric. You ought to be able to give
any reasonable answer (which makes cm okay but not miles). They can use a
chart to get the conversion right. (I suppose if you really wanted to make a
stink, you could refuse to give your height in ft/in, but hand her a cm <->
ft/in chart instead!)

I wrote to the MD MVA about this a long time ago, but got no response.

Mike Jenkins
Laurel MD

"James R. Frysinger" wrote:

> alternatives:
> - Present the data in metric units and then graciously convert the data
> when the clerk proves unable to work in both systems. (Essentially, this
> is what I did.)
> - Write to your governmental representatives and department agencies
> asking that their services be amended to allow SI units.
> - Write letters to newspaper editors.
> - Start a petition drive to have SI units incorporated on public
> documents.

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