I am sad to report that the Forms Committee at my hospital did not
endorse SI.

Yes, it fixed the dual checkbox confusion on the initial patient
assessment form by removing one of the units. Now, the nurses will be
recording the patient's weight only in pounds.

Having a form in kilograms and centimeters only, would be impractical.We
do not have a patient population interested in the metric system,
period, and having a form labeled in one unit only will eliminate
interest in SI for now (it remains the job of nurses and pharmacists to
convert pounds to kilograms). But, interest would be key to get people
to know their masses and heights in SI; without interest,i.e.,
inspiration, no learning will take place. Education, the second step in
my metrication tetrad, will be easy with the young, as has already been
demonstrated by young Canadians contributing to this listserv. But your
average adult citizen raised in WOMBAT America will not care until
circumstances make it worth his or her while. 
Paul Trusten, R.Ph.
3609 Caldera Boulevard, Apt. 122
Midland TX 79707-2872 USA

"No one from the Audubon Society has yet documented the
finding of a modified barium swallow."   
                         --Byrd Ona Wyng, Forensic Ornithologist

"Free Billy Rubin!" ---Medical Technologists'  protest cry

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