America is NOT the most advanced country!!

germany is in many aspects decades ahead!

>To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [USMA:16295] resistance to US metrication
>Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 22:43:30 EST
>And I thought "I" was the cynical one! Gee, guys, where is all this 
>frustration coming from?
>I think it comes from lack of leadership inspiration. US metrication has to 
>be a cause, not just a task. The conversion of the measurement system used 
>in the wealthiest, and putatively, the most technologically advanced nation 
>in the world, will be accompanied by the groanings previously mentioned 
>(minority rights? Hey, this was a discussion of metrology! I wouldn't want 
>to debate religion here, gosh), but not if it becomes a campaign.
>So, I'll start.
>In the words of another New Englander, Alan Shepard, I want to stop all 
>this arguing and light this candle.
>First, I'm going to Coca Cola, a company started by a pharmacist. I'm gonna 
>be busy, so I'll be off the list for a while, but I'll be back.
>See y'all later.
>Paul T.

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