>However, when I received USMA 17964, there were attachments.  It is possible
>that Brian's software broke the webpage up into the attachments.  Brian, if
>you are reading this, can you tell us what e-mail program you are using?
>You may need to upgrade too!

I considered that, which is why I was apologetic.   I use Eudora 5.1 
running under Windows 2000 Professional.
Don't think I need to upgrade just yet. *wink*

>But, anyway, whether there are no attachments or 500 000 000 attachments,
>they don't have to be deleted separately.  When I delete the posting, the
>attachments are all deleted as part of the posting in one swoop.  Doesn't
>your software do this?  If it doesn't, it is time to get rid of it.
>Now, I remember from a few years ago you were using some earlier version of
>Eudora.  Eudora is now available in version 5.1, for both PC and Mac.  Try
>downloading it and installing it and see if it is easier to work with.

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