
The question is, who will the TABD petition to in 2009 to demand a further
delay.  The European Commission will be non-existent sometime after 2005
when an elected EU Parliament will have full power over such matters.  By
2009, the EU Parliament will have no interest in dealing with a foreign
interest group, especially a group whose sole interest is in maintaining a
system of units that Europe is anathema to SI, the system Europe invented.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Han Maenen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, 2002-03-22 03:42
Subject: [USMA:18979] Small companies and TABD

> The TABD has also stated that it stood in particular for smaller companies
> who want to export to the EU. And I think it is exactly these ones that
> to use irrational metric on their labels or no metric at all if they can
> away with it.
> Moreover, THREE US cosmetics companies label with OZ.LIQ on their products
> now. Yes, let's hope that the EU will come up with a resounding NO when
> TABD once again demands the cancellation or delay of the metric-only
> directive.
> Although Greg and I had pointed out in communication with Mrs Bernot that
> Canada does not require the use of ifp (inch-foot-pound) units in English,
> nor in French on labels, the once liquide, invented by Estee Lauder, was
> removed from EL's products and even spread to other US cosmetic companies.
> do not understand why the metrology offices in France and other French
> speaking countries do not take legal action against this unit. Stamp it in
> the ground! Stop the beginnings!
> The two things that I especially hate as they are targeted at metric-using
> countries and people are the once liquide and the attitude of the Maporama
> people.
> (For newcomers to this list : go to http://www.maporama.com, and load an
> itinerary in any other language than English, for instance Paris-Bordeaux
> French or between two German cities in German. You will see *#%^&@*+^*$).
> And this is a French, not an American or British site!
> In the meantime I will go to the TABD site now and then to see whether
> are starting their campaign again.
> Han
> Historian of Dutch metrication, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

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