
I don't think economic status is the reason for achievement or lack of it.
It has more to do with arrogance and attitude.  The so-called poor nations
were colonies of the so-called rich nations.  Metrication of former colonies
was seen as an attitude of independence.  The colonizing countries were
empires and their arrogance dictates that their ways are the best and
everyone must follow them.

Many in the UK still think of them selves as being part of the empire and as
rulers.  They hate the EU and metric because it means that others are
telling them what to do instead of the other way around.  Metrication is a
symbol that their ways are no longer the best and no longer accepted.  They
are being forced to adopt the ways of former enemies and rivals.  This is
something they can not bear.

The US is now where the UK was just prior to WWII.  The neo-con masters are
trying to establish a new world order based on US domination.  The Iraq war
was meant to secure gulf state's oil under the dollar hegemony.  The
creation of the euro and the strong stability of the euro has threatened the
dollar hegemony and has forced the neo-cons to accelerate their
globalisation efforts.  By globalisation, I'm not speaking of world trade,
but neo-con control of the of the world and its economy.

The neo-cons in an effort to secure vital assets under their control are
putting into practice the means to limit democracy and to turn the US (and
the world) into a police state under their control.  If their agenda is
pro-metric, then shortly after they assume full power, they will under force
of severe punishment or death, metricate the US.  If they are anti-metric,
or neutral, then no enforced metrication will take place.

Can you imagine being sent to a concentration camp for being a supporter of
metric or even an opponent?  It can happen and it will.  See:



Americans who have been so conditioned to believe that they live if the land
of the free and home of the brave, and that their democracy is written in
stone, will be the easiest people to enslave.  While they are being lead by
the tens of thousands into the camps, they will be shaking their heads in
disbelief, because something this sinister just can not happen in the USA.

How will they achieve this?  By labelling all crimes as terrorism, and
charging every criminal (in their eyes) as terrorists.  If the neo-cons are
in fact anti-metric, we could right now be on their list as a terrorist
group and the USMA may be labelled a terrorist organisation.  At least you
Han, living in the EU would be immune from their control for a short time.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Han Maenen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, 2004-03-27 06:47
Subject: [USMA:29313] Re: Canadian metric muddle evident

> This is exactly the reason why I do not believe in 'democracy' in such
> cases. It leads to muddle and endless confusion for decades. I hope that
> will work in the USA, where many people are suspicious of what the
> government does. It evidently does not work in Canada and Britain, and it
> did not work in many nations that went metric in the past.
> Many nations tried the voluntary approach, but as soon as metrication
> reached the retail trades, trouble started and this is what happened in
> Britain and Canada. In France it almost destroyed the metric system. Only
> strict laws that forced trade (not private citizens!) to use metric ended
> the muddle.
> In Canada some conservative politicians thought of the ballot box and
> climbed the anti-metric bandwagon, with this madness as a result.
> I am glad that we have not adopted the euro the 'democratic' way. We would
> have double pricing and double currencies for decades. On all other issues
> we are democracies.
> Years ago I read a Letter to the Editor in the Guardian, where a British
> person reported that the street markets in Kenya went metric almost
> overnight with no difficulties whatsoever, no consumer and traders
> resistance. This also seems to have been the case in other Third World
> countries. Why can these poor nations achieve what some rich nations
> Han
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Ezra Steinberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, 2004-03-26 23:14
> Subject: [USMA:29310] Canadian metric muddle evident
> > Someone posted recently an article from a newspaper in the prairie
> provinces arguing against the current Canadian metric muddle and
> recommending going back to Imperial or completely forward to metric. (Hard
> for me to see how they can go back given all the current investment in
> metric, like speed limit and distance signs, and the fact that the last
> hold-out, the USA, is inching -- yes, that's deliberate on my part --- 
> towards conversion.)
> >
> > I saw this quite clearly on the Science Channel last night on a program
> that talked about monster trucks. (No, not what you see at the speedway on
> Saturday night, but the huge multi-million dollar trucks that are used in
> mining, etc.) They shot the program in Canada, and the engineers and other
> folks interviewed kept bouncing around from metric to Imperial. The
> I thought I discerned was that they used metric for short distances
> , liquid quantities (litres), and temperature (degrees Celsius) and
> for longer distances (miles).
> >
> > Come to think of it, that sounds a lot like what most Brits seem to be
> doing these days, n'est-ce pas? Don't they have a muddle there, too?? ;-)
> >
> > Still, there miles ahead of US! (Still deliberate ... )
> >
> >
> >

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