I had to reformat and reinstall XP PRO, uwin 4.5, uwin-dev and visual C++
2010. This time, there is no msdev in the VC directory. Have I installed
the several packages out of sequence or am I missing more
software? Previous installs of VC C++ were rather lengthy and included msdev; this time the C++ install was very fast. cl.exe is in VC/bin and it can be executed from the command line.
PATH = /C/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/bin:/home/tfilm:/home/tfilm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib:/usr/include:/sys:/win:.
However, when I execute uwin's cc, it tells me that a native c
compiler cannot be found.
PACKAGE_cc = /C/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/bin
 Could my PACKAGE_cc be wrong??

The previous environment had the same versions of uwin, uwin-dev and
C++ 2010 and worked flawlessly. The only difference is that C++
install time was much longer previously and, of course msdev is not present this time.

Thanks for any helpful advice.

Michael E. Lindenmeyer

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