VACList Digest        Monday, December 16 2002        Volume 03 : Number 044

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Topics in Today's Digest:

Re: [VACList] The Snowbird Route: A Vintage Caravan Route in development
Re: [VACList] Vermont
[VACList] selling trailer


Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 08:15:50 EST
Subject: Re: [VACList] The Snowbird Route: A Vintage Caravan Route in development

I lived in a trailer park on Rt 41 in KY in the 1950s (outside Ft Campbell) - 
lots of trailer parks around there then, don't know about now? Your project 
sounds like fun.

Just Plain Polly
1964 Globe Trotter
WBCCI 7113


Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 11:00:55 -0800
Subject: [VACList] Re: SURPRISE, SURPRISE....

> Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 16:00:35 -0500
> From: Matt Worner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi to all:

Matt, I would definitely consider following-up on this with law enforcement.
It is possible that the seller didn't have a photo of his own to use, but
does actually have a similar trailer for sale.  Having said that, it is more
likely that there is no trailer for sale, and he is rubbing his hands
together waiting for that expected check to arrive after the auction.

As a fraud detective in British Columbia, I am presently investigating cases
involving eBay sellers.  The victims number in the hundreds from all over
the world, and the scam artists are local to my city (the amount of money
collected off of a single item at auction is staggering).

Although I am not familiar with US criminal jurisdictions, I would start by
lodging a complaint with the force local to where the seller claims to be
from--large departments all have a fraud section.  They can then check it
out, and go from there.  It may be nothing, or you could be saving future
victims a lot of grief!

Gary H.
'77 31'
F250 PSD


Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 13:04:12 -0500
From: Matt Worner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [VACList] Re: SURPRISE, SURPRISE....


I have e-mailed ebay, but quite frankly never thought of contacting LVPD.  It is
a good thought though.  They could probably get an ID on the seller from ebay,
whereas I can't.  Of course, seller could be from elsewhere, and just using Las
Vegas as a drop address.


Gary HEEBNER wrote:

> <snip>  Matt, I would definitely consider following-up on this with law
> enforcement.
> It is possible that the seller didn't have a photo of his own to use, but
> does actually have a similar trailer for sale.  Having said that, it is more
> likely that there is no trailer for sale, and he is rubbing his hands
> together waiting for that expected check to arrive after the auction.
> <snip>
> Gary H.
> '77 31'
> F250 PSD
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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- --
Pam, Matt and Darrell Worner
1975 31' Sovereign (The Tinsel Tubesteak)
1976 24' Argosy rear door (The Bun Metallica)
1957 16' Bubble (The Tin 'Tater Tot)
2000 F-350 PSD
Hensley Arrow


Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 16:16:45 -0500
From: Terry Tyler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [VACList] Vermont

WAY TO GO >>>> Daisy,

Tell it like it is.  Questions crafted in humorous absurdities are real
attention grabbers. They can lead to change.  WBCCI needs articulate people
like you who think outside the box.

Your idea of "net buddies volunteering" is better than right on the money.
By capitalizing on pre-existing camaraderie and support, it might open the
door for those who would otherwise hesitate to volunteer.  Never can tell,
that could bring an avalanche of volunteers with you leading the charge.

We signed up for the Vintage 2003 Caravan. That'll be the maiden voyage for
our fully restored and newly shiny '67 22' and our almost fully restored '75
Mercury Wagon.  If I can get it ready, I'll put a mirror shiny canoe on top
of the Mercury.  Should


PS - We're still soaking up the warm sun in south Florida, picking
grapefruit and honey bell oranges every day and flying our three big flags.

Next week, we roll towards New Orleans with stops at the Elks Lodges in
Tallahassee and Pensacola before going onto the Naval Base Campground at
NOLA. Dollars to donuts, we'll have to dig out our winter coats, hats and
gloves - and put away our shorts and sandals.

- -----------------------------------

on 12/12/02 10:31 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I opened up my Blue Beret with good intentions about volunteering to do
> something. I also thought if a bunch of us net buddies got together we
> could have a good jolly time.
> However.
> The Volunteer Coupon  asks if I am a man or woman. Whoa. Will they in
> their infinite wisdom assume that I am not capable of doing any of those
> jobs ?   Will the ladies be given a cute halter top to wear? Or what ?
> I am also tired of being asked who my spouse is. If I had one, do I need
> their permission ? Am I not allowed to help if I don't have one ? What
> if he died, why do they want to know ?
> I guess I still want to help.
> Anybody ?
> Daisy (Who CAN do all those jobs except radio...)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I keep hearing about how everyone at last years intl rally had a
> convection oven instead of an airstream to live in.....
> Vermont is not that hot. don't stay away 'cause of that.
> grp=HistoricWeather&product=ClimateData&pid=none&prodnav=0704
> See ?
> Daisy


Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 23:21:21 -0500
From: Peter E Kaiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [VACList] selling trailer

Hello all,

I'm thinking of selling my '65 Caravel.  When is the best time to sell a
trailer and where should I list it?

Thank you,


End of VACList Digest V3 #44

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