Thank you to everyone for the replies.  Some people seemed not to
understand me, so I apologize.

I use svn and I use versions and branching.  I know about export. What
I'm struggling with is that developing directly from the repository tree
is awkward, and I wondered if others know of a better way.

One example is that on one machine the apache user is "www-data" so on
that machine the SQL statements look like "GRANT insert TO www-data",
while on another machine the apache user is "apache".  (I can't expect
to change these things.)  Thus I need a script to massage SQL files from
one machine to the other.  

Another example is that Apache's suEXEC is quite fussy about where
things are and with what permission so I need a script that copies these
files to the right locations and sets the permissions-- soft links will
not do.

A perhaps sillier example is that invoking a program as
"/home/svn/package/trunk/bin/" is annoying, and setting up other
names for the program, such as a tree of softlinks like
  ln -s home/svn/package/trunk/bin/ ~/package/
fails when is added or deleted or moved in various versions of
the repository.  So again I'm looking to set up this softlink tree in a
post svn-update script.

I'm asking about this post-versioning system script; mine is called
"".  One example os a question is that, I have often
forgotten to copy the changes on suEXEC scripts back into the repository
and I can imagine a tool that knows about the association in both
directions.  Is there a standard tool for this kind of thing, or at
least a buzzword?  Or is this something peculiar to my environment and
other people just do not see it?

Thanks again,

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