On Tue, 2009-04-14 at 14:03 -0400, Kevin Thorley wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:11 PM, H. Kurth Bemis <ku...@kurthbemis.com> wrote:
> [Lots of good, practical advice]
> I agree whole-heartedly.  For me, at least, this is much more about
> community than just a space to hang out.
> I'd like to get up to Foulab, and would be happy to provide a ride for
> others in the area that want to go.  Don't worry, we can take the
> Subaru so that no one gets packed like a sardine in the back of the
> Mustang.  Tuesday nights are out for me for the next month or so, but
> I can do most Mondays or Thursdays.  Do these days work for anyone
> else?  Leave Burlington at say 5:00 and plan to return by 11:00?  Does
> that timeframe sound reasonable? (I've only been to Montreal once, and
> I recall it was a 90 minute drive).
> On another note, I joined the LinkedIn group for the coworking space
> that Jen posted about.  Looks quite interesting.  If we get to the
> point where we decide we need a dedicated space, this may also be a
> potential group to share with.
> Kevin

Kevin - Our meetings are on Tuesday nights, which is the most activity
the lab sees all week in terms of members present and such.  Other
nights are generally fine, but a heads up would be needed to ensure the
lab was open.

If it can be arranged, I would hold out for a Tuesday night.  The other
nights the lab can be open or closed with only a few members (1-3)
working or relaxing....

We have some events planned in the next few weeks, you should watch our
Facebook page[1] and our website[2] for dates and such.

[1] http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=144161830009&ref=ts
[2] http://foulab.org


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