On Thu, 2013-10-31 at 15:26 +0330, hamid alaei wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Assume there is a C code that do this:
> char buff1[20];
> char buff2[30]="some small string";
> ...
> strcpy(buff1, buff2);
> This code is can be regarded unsafe not only because it use strcpy(),
> which doesn't accept a size argument for the maximum capacity of
> buff1, but also because the maximum capacity if the target string
> buff1 is less than the maximum capacity of the src string buff2.
> I know that if strcpy() tries to write outside buff1, then memcheck or
> sgcheck can detect that, depending on whether these strings are in
> stack/global memory or in the heap. But I want a warning while calling
> strcpy() in this manner as well, regardless of whether overflow
> happens or not.
> I am wondering if there is such a tool to do so. I guess it should
> replace strcpy() and similar functions with a wrapper. Does anybody
> know suck a tool/extension or how to write such a wrapper that can
> have access to the max-size of buff1 and buff2?

This might be an interesting addition to e.g. memcheck
(or other tools that are replacing str* and others functions).

I think this will be relatively easy to do for "simple cases"
of stack and global arrays, and maybe arrays in a stack/global struct :
using --read-var-info=yes, valgrind provides access to (some)
information about theses, (and from a small experiment, it looks
like it knows the size of these).

However, for more complex cases (e.g. arrays in a dynamically allocated
struct), this will be more complex: how to guess (or keep track) that a
pointer inside a block is a pointer to an array smaller than
the malloc-ed block is unclear to me.


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