Hello everyone I'm trying to use valgrind on Android/Samsung sll

i followed the instructions on
 to step :
adb push Inst /
gives me error:
failed to copy 'Inst/data/local/Inst/bin/cg_annotate' to
'/data/local/Inst/bin/cg_annotate': No such file or directory

the adb devices command gives me output :

List of devices attached
00198303580f6e    device

i used for :

    CFLAGS="--sysroot=$NDK_HOME/platforms/android-14/arch-arm" \
    ./configure --prefix=/data/local/Inst \
    --host=armv7-unknown-linux --target=armv7-unknown-linux \

not sure where is the error as iam new to Linux.

i tried to access my phone from command line but did not succeded.

it is in the GUI under: mtp://[usb:003,007]/

can you help me?

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