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Rick Widmer wrote:
> <snip>
> I'm not sure what thread you are looking at, but considering that I
> wrote all the PHP code on http://pmailadmin.sourceforge.net/, more than
> doubled the size of the code in the vpopmail extension for PHP, and have
> patches in vpopmail and qmail admin, I think I have some idea which code
> does what.  :)

My bad. It's in that thread where we discussed the PHP extensions and
how it could be improved. I remember you or someone else saying that the
 functions that would be added to the php extensions would in fact just
be wrapper functions for the deamon so that there is no hassle with that.

My memory has failed me, time for me to go search for the thread, and
reread it.

> <snip>
> Cool!   Just because it works on my machine doesn't mean its done.  Let
> me know what happens...  Since I am the last one to touch much of the
> code in vpopmail and qmailadmin, [1] I should probably be the first to
> look at the problems.  <sigh...>  That discussion should probably be on
> the SourceFORGE vpopmail-devel list.

Thanks for reminding me, i need to signup for that list.

>    http://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/vpopmail-devel
> Rick
> [1]  This refers to the CVS versions only.

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