Hi Christophe,

> In my effort to find a solution to the problem I mentioned in another post 
> I'm trying to setup minimal Velocity logging...
> There must be something wrong with my setup (or with me :-)).

## snip

> 4) velocity.properties content is
> runtime.log = velocity.log
> directive.foreach.counter.name = velociCount
> directive.foreach.counter.initial.value = 0
> resource.manager.logwhenfound = false
> file.resource.loader.cache = true
> file.resource.loader.modificationCheckInterval = 2
> velocimacro.library.autoreload = false
> velocimacro.permissions.allow.inline = true
> velocimacro.permissions.allow.inline.to.replace.global = true
> 5) the velocity.log file is nowhere... Before I had it created under my 
> Eclipse home directory (I'm running Tomcat from Eclipse with Sysdeo plugin).. 
> No matter if I run Tomcat under Eclipse OR standalone the log is nowhere.
> So, to clarify : with this setup, being under cactus or not, with Tomcat 
> standalone or not I have no log at all...

The VVS outputs the log via the Servlet API by default.
So you should see it in $CATALINA_HOME/logs/stdout.log for Tomcat.

To configure, take a look at the developer guide.

Best regards,
-- Shinobu

Shinobu Kawai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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