Hello all, I've been trying to get access to some Jython objects as
descibed here: http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2005/04/27/restweb.html?page=2
. Curious if anyone else has this working, as I'm running into a
couple of problems.
First is that VelocityEngine.UBERSPECT_CLASSNAME is not public in the
copy of Velocity 1.4 I have so I had to replace the call with  
ve.setProperty(JythonUberspect.getName()) like this
JythonUberspect.getName())  - is that to be expected.
Next the code runs without error, except my template will not resolve
my Jython objects - ie $data.field doesn't get expanded as it should.
Digging further, it appears that Velocity is not accessing the
JythonUberspect class at all because replacing the property set above
to garbage makes no difference whatsoever,
I'm using Velocity 1.4, Jython 2.1 and I had to recompile the
JythonUberspect class because it wouldn't initially run on Java 1.4
(invalid class version 49.0...). I'm not running in a web container,
rather a standalone Jython program.
Any one had a similar experience, or can give me a pointer in the
right direction?


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