
I have been using Velocity to generate code for quite some time now, but
I've tried something for the first time recently and it's not working.
I have a class that derives from TexenTask that I call from Ant that
invokes my code generation system.  I set the templatePath property on
the task to point to one directory, call the task a number of times
(which all work fine) then call the task with a different templatePath
and it fails saying that the control template cannot be found.  The
output from ant -debug shows the task claiming to use the templatePath
that I set, and the control template exists on that path, so I don't
understand what the problem is.  Here is an example:

  templatePath="${cpp.template.path}/PCOM"   // This one works
  outputFile = "build.log"

  templatePath="${cpp.template.path}/RTI1_3"  // This one fails
  outputFile = "build.log"

If I reorder the tasks to call the broken one first and the working one
second, the error other words, the first one I call always
works, and the second always fails.

Here is the error from velocity.log:

Wed Mar 29 11:30:49 EST 2006  [error] ResourceManager : unable to find
resource 'cppPluginControl.vm' in any resource loader.

I'd appreciate any insight you could offer.


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