On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, hermann pitton wrote:

> Es schrieb Tim Connors:
> >
> > On 9 Aug 2003, Jason Miller wrote:
> >
> > > I was wondering if someone could give me some idea as to how stable the
> > > saa7134 driver is?  I am thinking about buying a flyvideo 3000, and am
> > > wondering if the thing is going to be reliable or not?  I am running
> > > 2.4.21 right now.
> >
> > Under all 2.4's, after some random amount of time of the order of a
> > week, my fly3K stops outputting all video; usually this happens when the
> > system is being stressed a little more, or the channel is tuned to
> > something with lousy reception.
> >
> > Module unload/reload doesn't fix it, only a reboot does. I know this
> > occurs for at least one other person, I don't know what the specs of their
> > machine is, but mine is a pretty lowly AMD K6II, so the problem could well
> > be just my hardware related.
> >
> > --
> > TimC -- http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/staff/tconnors/
> >
> > mathematician, n.:
> >     Some one who believes imaginary things appear right before your i's.
> >
> Nice to debug. If it is, what I suspect, that is what I call myself the
> mystery bug, because when I got it noone else seems to have it and it
> made me sick.
> After a while came Ludvig Omhold (Can you here me?) and I suggested not
> to use xawtv, because at this time it allways came up in overlay first.
> I don't know if it helped him.

Do you mean Ludvig had to manually switch to one of the other display
modes after starting xawtv? I don't have that trouble. Also, I get the
random-lack-of-video problem using any tool - eg at some random
time during recording using transcode.

> Tim, can you have a look at bug 702539 at tvtime/sourceforge/net and
> Billys comments at the hardware site?

That's not my problem.

> If you are affected, to start xawtv in overlay once may trigger this and
> "wrong" apic settings with the "right" hardware (via and others) may do
> the rest.

I have a MS5169 board, with a S3 Trio 3D card (Er, I think - or was that
my old one?), so no relation to the Nvidia problem. (Told you this was

> That one, I would not call a driver bug, but you may have something
> different.

TimC -- http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/staff/tconnors/

When I'M trying to get somebody fired, I always walk a mile in their
shoes first. That way, when I get them fired and they get all angry
with me, I'm a mile away, and I'VE GOT THEIR SHOES! HAW HAW!
                     --Beable van Polasm, alt.religion.kibology

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