        I was just planning on using apps that use v4l2, like XAWTV.  Just for
basic TV viewing and recording.  Say, is a 1ghz athlon tbird enough
horse power to record 640x480 and encode in mpeg2 in realtime (or any
descent codec for that matter)?  Or do you really need something with
more horse power?


On Sun, 2003-08-10 at 19:56, hermann pitton wrote:
> Es schrieb Jason Miller:
> > 
> > I was wondering if someone could give me some idea as to how stable the
> > saa7134 driver is?  I am thinking about buying a flyvideo 3000, and am
> > wondering if the thing is going to be reliable or not?  I am running
> > 2.4.21 right now.
> > 
> Hi,
> sorry last night I didn't realize, that this was in reply to my snapshot
> error message.
> I can't imagine to buy something else, than a FV3K or something
> compatible :)
> The main consideraton should be, do the apps you will need work
> sucessfully through the compatibility layer for v4l1 or are they v4l2
> ready.
> Mp4live you still have to unmute with v4lctl and kino has problems, but
> they don't even claim to support v4l1 and of course there may be more I
> don't know,
> but the sparkling stars on the GNU/Linux media sky are all shining.
> If you are not affected by the audio bug, Jindrich hopefully found
> (can't test only Pal B here), you should be fine with 2.8.0. If you need
> oss audio support additionally to your soundcard(s), I would suggest the
> 0.2.9-20030724 snapshot, if you want to stay on 2.4.21.
> (Possibly with the 2 lines applied for the audio bug.)
> In case you have tv with dual language, you may miss a switch to select
> the language for recordings or I don't see it. There have been ruomors,
> that the use of overlay mode can cause unpredictable system freezes. I
> guess it was caused by switching between overlay and xv. If ever, that
> is not been seen again for more then 4 months now and might only happen
> together with other flaws on hardware and drivers.
> For me that is a exellent, stable and challenging driver, still growing
> in conjunction with v4l2.
> Greetings
> Hermann
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