----- Original Message ----- From: "Lex Eisenhardt" <eisenha...@planet.nl>
To: "Monica Hall" <mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk>
Cc: "Vihuelalist" <vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 8:51 AM
Subject: [VIHUELA] Re: Return to earlier question: {was Re: Agazzari guitar
[was Re: Capona?]}

Agazzari (in Strunk) says: 'Like ornaments are those which, in a playful
and _contrapuntal_ fashion, make the harmony more agreeable and sonorous.'
The instruments with 'imperfect harmony [of the parts] such as the cetera,
lirone, chitarrina, etc.' could indeed have played more than one voice at
a time, although single line should also be considered possible. But I
assume that Agazzari would have expected that also this was done 'in a
contrapuntal fashion.' And yes, on the cetera and chitarrina that could
possibly mean strumming. It seems unlikely however that a chordal style,
continuously including all courses of the instrument, was intended

I have no problem with that.   I just wouldn't rule out the possibility that
the chitarrina sometimes added simple chords to the melodic line - in the
same way that the violin occasionally indulges in some double stopping - and
these could have been arpeggiated in the way that Cerreto suggests using all
four fingers of the right hand.

Monica .

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