That is even more helpful!

Thank you.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Kooiman" <>
To: "Monica Hall" <>
Cc: "Vihuelalist" <>
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [VIHUELA] Santiago de Murcia

Some googling seems to show that Pujol at least was very much aware of
Murcia, as he published two Murcia transcriptions:Pujol 1025
(Prelude-Allegro) and Pujol 1090 (Suite en Re).

On 12 May 2014, at 15:03, Monica Hall <> wrote:

I am trying to trace printed editions and recordings of S de Murcia's
in any format which pre-date 1987 - the year in which the Saldivar Codex
came to light or at least was recognized as being a source of his music.

People like Pujol, Graciano Tarrago, Jose Azpiazu and Alexander Bellow
published arrangements of music by Sanz, Ruiz de Ribayaz and Guerau in the
1950/60s but they don't seem to have been aware of Murcia's music at all.

The earliest recording which I have devoted to his music is one made by
Gerard Arriaga in 1987.   Does anyone know of recordings which include
pieces by Murcia earlier than this - played on any kind of guitar - or
anything else for that matter..

Also (for good measure) the earliest article about him that I have a copy
of  - included in the English peiodical "Guitar News" in 1967  - is a
one by D.E. McConnell.  It's about "Passacalles y obras" (which McConnell
thought was the same as "Resumen de Acompanar") and this information was
copied by Harvey Turnbull.  Does anyone have any references to him  ante
dating this article?

In a nutshell I am trying to ascertain how widely known Murcia was before
the discovery of the Saldivar Codex.

Any comments would be helpful.

Best wishes to all


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