On Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 05:05:31PM +0100, Trenton Schulz wrote:
> >Would you also vote for changing the console style dialogs? I mean,
> >console users are normally used to press y or n, when answering these
> >kind of questions.
> Well, don't you do that by typing :wq/:wq! or ZZ or whatever? Most of  
> the other "dialogs" on the console version don't ask yes/no questions  
> as far as I have encountered. I think it is a non-issue for the  
> console version...

Well, mostly I use ZZ, but sometimes :q, but have :set confirm on, so
when there are unsaved changes, there is no need to press :q!, but just
y to save the changes, or n do discard them.


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