On Fri, Jan 19, 2007 at 07:28:51PM +1100, John Beckett wrote:
> In the BOF talk, Bram really was asking for ideas on what would make
> new users flock to Vim.

Biggest changes would really be defaults imho. And that should be done
without really compromising compatible mode.

First and most important thing would be to enable nocompatible by
default when the executable name is (g)vim, compatible should still be
on, when the executable name is vi. Enabling/disabling by an (non-)existing
.vimrc file is not the right way, because if you make your own .vimrc
file, you want to add some usefull behavior and in exchange you get less
optimal behavior in many cases, and probably don't know why that is
happening, just because you created a .vimrc with some mappings.
It's really crazy that you can't even press Tab after :e to complete
filenames in compatible mode.

Second would be to enable :syntax on by default in nocompatible mode.
Every bullshit-editor (sorry for the word), has syntax highlighting now,
and even a Pentium 200 should be fast enough to deal with syntax

Third, I would enable isearch by default, but keep hlsearch off (as it
is now).

Most other options are right for experts and newbies as well, or at
least have another reason for their default setting.


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