On 5/16/07, Ernie Rael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For jvi, not vim, I want to implement a way to "p" the clipboard as
though it were yank'd in block mode. I couldn't see anyway in the vim
doc to do this so I'm guessing that this is not supported. This could be
used to paste a rectangular selection from windows. Also, until I figure
out how to get at the vim specific info in the clipboard, it provides a
workaround for jvi.

If its possible that this might be a feature that vim would want some
day, I'd like to implement it in a compatible way. My first thought was
to use "#p to put the clipboard as block mode, the # has a block mode
flavor to it, but that's taken.

I understand exactly nothing of what you're trying to do, but here's a
function to does what "p" with a block does:

function! PasteRegion()
 let [_, lnum, col, _] = getpos('.')
 let saved_lnum = lnum
 for line in split(getreg(), '\n', 1)
   if lnum == line('$')
     if append(lnum, "") == 1
       throw 'Cannot append line to buffer while pasting region'
   let current_line = getline(lnum)
   let len = strlen(current_line)
   if len < col
     let new_line = current_line . repeat(' ', col - len) . line
     let new_line = strpart(current_line, 0, col) . line .
strpart(current_line, col)
   if setline(lnum, new_line) == 1
     throw 'Cannot update line ' . lnum
   let lnum += 1
 call cursor(saved_lnum, col + 1)

This doesn't depend on any internal state of Vim.

Bram: Now that we have exceptions, wouldn't it make sense for append()
to throw an exception when it can't allocate memory?  Also, what's
with the C-style error codes for append() and setline()?  It's very
unintuitive, especially when there's really no other error code than
failure (1).  Too late to change, though.


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