On 26/05/07, Iain Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 26/05/07, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe you can achieve what you want using 'cmap <expr>' cleverly.
I might still attempt a patch. Having the space replacement actually
appear is visually distracting  and makes the resulting search string
hard to read.

Having had a more detailed look at the code I'm bailing out of
attempting this for now. Making the search history still work and be
uncluttered of '\_s\+' seems fiddly. The natural way to do this seems
to be making the magic types more flexible. The changes would be
somewhat further reaching than I had initially anticipated and I
wouldn't be happy doing it without there being consensus out there on
a specification.

Thanks again Yakov for the partial fix.


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