
On 5/31/07, Joseph Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello, all.

I was recently helping someone out with a vim script (camelcasemotion.vim)
which adds additional motion commands (they treat camel-cased words
(WordsLikeThis) as separate words, rather than as a single word). This is
easy enough to do in normal and operator-pending mode. It seems to be very
complicated to do this in visual mode, though -- calling a function (or
anything that lets you move the cursor) seems to force you to leave visual
mode (i.e., doing `vmap ,w :<C-U>call MoveCursor()` will move the cursor to
the right place, but you're no longer in visual mode).

My approach to this was to call the movement function, set a mark, select
the previous visual block (with gv) and then jump to the mark that was
previously set. The mapping that I created to deal with this is the

vmap <silent> ,w @="\33:\25call

This seems somewhat inelegant, and also clobbers a mark to be able to
accomplish its magic. Is there an easier way to accomplish the same thing?
It seems like there should be, but I was unable to figure one out.

Did you try specifying the <expr> attribute to the map command?
Something along the lines of

function! MoveToCursor()
   return "/\\u\\|\\<\<CR>"

vnoremap <expr> ,w MoveCursor()

The MoveCursor() function should return a sequence of keys that will
position the cursor at the desired location.

- Yegappan

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