
On 6/2/07, Andy Wokula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Joseph Barker schrieb:

>> The following is possible:
>>     function VisualMove()
>>        normal! gv
>>        call search('\u')
>>        " visual mode still on
>>     endfunction
>>     vmap ,w :<c-u>call VisualMove()<cr>
> That works perfectly, although I have no idea why. Can you explain? I would
> think that calling `normal! gv` would have no effect, since that should
> reselect the current selection. But for some reason it allows you to call
> search() while staying in visual mode, which makes no sense to me. Perhaps
> I'm not looking at the right place in the documentation.

Entering Cmdline mode with
    :<c-u>call ...
turns Visual mode off, therefore
    normal! gv
reselects the visual area.

Within a function (or script or Ex-mode), the visual area is not turned off
between ex commands, because there is no actual mode switching
... IMHO.

I don't know if this is mentioned in the help.

According to ":help mode-switching", it is not possible to enter visual mode
from Ex or command-line mode. Either the table under ":help i_esc" needs
to be updated or this needs to be fixed.

According to that table, you can enter visual mode only from either normal or
select modes.

- Yegappan

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