Not sure but maybe I found a exotic problem. ;)

The tex-code I attached explains itself.

I setup my vimrc like this:

   let g:Tex_SmartQuoteOpen = '„'
   let g:Tex_SmartQuoteClose = '“'

In an (nearly) empty tex-file this work fine and is correct shown in
the PDF file produced with xelatex.

But when using biblatex with apa-style and escpecialy this line

vim produce quotes like this, while typing


This is explained in the code, too.

I am not sure from which package this \DeclareLanguageMapping comes
from. But I need it using the apa-style with German translation.
% my current vimrc-settings
%   let g:Tex_SmartQuoteOpen = '„'
%   let g:Tex_SmartQuoteClose = '“'
% currently (with this code here) the quote-key (on keyboard) produce "`test"'
% when remove this line
% the quote key produce this „test“
% the quotes are correct (from g:Tex_Smart...) used when using an empty tex-file
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