Jiang Qian wrote:
Hi All:
I apologize for breaking the thread. I just share dc's problem about syntax highlighting in html and build-in spellchecker: when I edit a
html file spell checking doesn't work, but as soon as I do
syntax off
the spell check works again! Any idea how to remedy it? I compiled vim 7 from source but did not delete the vim 6 installation from my distro. Would that be problem? For some reason for C files and latex files syntax highlighting doesn't seems to bother spell check.

I don't know if that is (or what is) the cause of the problem, but it _is_ possible to have several versions of Vim coexist peacefully on a single computer; see my tip http://vim.sourceforge.net/tips/tip.php?tip_id=848 for details. That tip tells how to have each executable use the runtime files from its own distribution. The user's "homemade" files (~/.vimrc, ~/.vim/*, $VIM/vimfiles/*, etc.) are common, but it is possible to write them in a "compatible" way by means of constructs such as

" feature compiled-in, visible in the :version listing
if has("mzscheme")

" functioning option
if exists("+spell")

" test for version
if version >= 700

" test for version and patchlevel
if (version > 604) || ((version == 604) && has("patch008"))


Best regards,

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