Need help, after so many time I still can't fix this.

The problem is that any ! command returns, for example !!dir returns (after a
couple seconds):
E485: Can't read file xxxxx.tmp

If I do :!dir a console opens and says:
    C:\WINNT\system32\CMD.EXE /c dir
    shell returned -1
    Hit any key to close this window...
and gvim says "Press ENTER or type command to continue", no dir data shows.

Any other ! command, and the diff stuff, all complain about the temporary 

Also, I don't have the "Edit with vim" item in the context menus, an issue that
might be related. 

I've already done lots of tests:
1- I have rights to write the temp directories, tested with
   a :w command and using different TEMP and TMP variables
2- Deleted all previous versions (63, 64) 
3- Un-registered gvim and the visvim and gvimext dlls 
4- Deleted all registry references to GUIDS that seemed vim
   related, like {0F0BFAE?-4C90-11D1-82D7-0004AC368519}
5- Installed vim70
6- Have in _gvimrc this, tested several variations with \ / "
   set shell="C:/WINNT/system32/CMD.EXE"
7- Changed all registry entries to D:\vim\vim70\[g]vim.exe
8- Tried almost all of http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=416

The temporary directories are in F:\tmp and F:temp, vim in installed in
D:\vim\vim70. No messy long paths with spaces. 

I'm aware that this is not a problem of vim but of my Windows 2000 Pro. 
Anyway I'm begging for help, a hint, a tip, whatever. I ran out of ideas.

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