On Saturday, Sep 10, 2005, at 13:19 US/Pacific, Mark Benson wrote:

From: Mark Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat Sep 10, 2005  13:19:53 US/Pacific
To: "Vintage Macs" <vintage.macs@mail.maclaunch.com>
Subject: AppleDesign Speaker Power Connector
Reply-To: "Vintage Macs" <vintage.macs@mail.maclaunch.com>

I managed to rescue a pair of AppleDesign beige speakers from a friend who was going over some old junk and found them and knew I was an Apple addict. Trouble is there were no cables at all and no PSU. The interconnects I can sort out easily but the power supply is another matter. It doesn't seem to take any normal DC power adapter connectors. As as far as I can tell it has a slim pin in the centre (+) and a wider sleeve around the outside (-).

I don't know though so I would like someone if possible to photograph, describe or whatnot the power adapter plug that plugs into the back of the speaker with the metal back panel so I can make or source one for my speakers.

Mark Benson
Do you have the original Apple Design Powered Speakers or the second generation that has the same name followed by the designation "II"?

If you have the later version, I have a set I can dig out and provide pictures. I think I have the PDF manual somewhere also.


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