--- NODEraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The Sega Dreamcast ran on Windows CE, and had a
> built-in modem and (I
> think) Ethernet. It came with either a CD that had a
> web browser on
> it, or the browser was stored in ROM.

It didn't run on Windows CE, but it could run games
and other software with Windows CE, which was on the
GD-ROM with the game or other software.

The initial batch of consoles in Japan had a 33.6
modem, upgraded to 56k with the release in the US
and Europe. There were two different Ethernet adaptors
that could replace the modem. One (LAN adaptor) was
sold only in Japan but is NOT the most sought after
one. That one's the US and Europe WAN Adaptor.

Dreamcast failed mainly because SEGA couldn't
raise the funds* to buy the (at the time) very
expensive DVD transport mechanisims, so they designed
a special high density CD called the GD-ROM for
GigabyteDisc - Read Only Memory. Then SEGA went and
announced to the world that after Dreamcast, they
were through with game hardware. Great! Tell all your
potential customers that they're getting the shaft
in a few years, no Dreamcast 2, nothing, nada is
coming down the pipe. However, they were working
with Hitachi on an upgraded video processor that
likely would've plugged into the side, either
sandwiching between the modem and DC or Ethernet,
or including Ethernet with the upgrade.

> Sorry if I'm driving off-topic even more, but I
> found it interesting
> that the Dreamcast tanked in the face of competition
> from the xBox and
> PS2. It was certainly more versatile.

The 3DO and Pippin and other interactive boxes were
just a bit ahead of when the public was ready for
such a thing.

*The money problems started when SEGA got what they
thought was going to be the prime intro slot at
the first E3, to debut the Saturn. After telling the
crowd all about the Saturn and finishing up with
the price of $299.95, Sony sent their geek out with
a stack of paper, then all he did was say $199.95,
which was the debut price of the original Playstation.

It will be total Fandemonium!
August (Fri) 4th, (Sat) 5th & (Sun) 6th, 2006

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