On 11-03-02 05:14 PM, DRC wrote:
> Bingo.
> Apparently nVidia is trying to outsmart us yet again and is somehow
> making a determination in the underlying GLX library that it needs to
> send glXSwapIntervalSGI() over the wire rather than to the display on
> which the GLX context has been established (bad, bad nVidia!  Bad!  No
> treat for you!)

Nice find.

The NV-GLX stuff I saw was really bugging me, so I checked again and 
realize I totally screwed those tests up: It seems wine needed both the 
32 and 64-bit librrfaker (between wineserver, wine, the app, etc.) but 
I'd only built one platform, so the tests were all messed up.  Sorry for 
the noise and confusion on that.

> I interposed the call and made it a no-op, and everything works now.
> I'm not sure if this call has any real meaning with Pbuffer rendering
> anyhow, so it might be reasonable to just leave it as a no-op in
> VirtualGL.  Any comments on that?

Reading http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/SGI/swap_control.txt it 
seems that the point of the function is to allow an app to sync to the 
video refresh rate (and not do something like glxgears with 3000fps but 
it looks like it isn't moving).  Therefore it is harming our performance 
needlessly for no gain to issue it the the local GL.  To mimic the 
functionality on the remote side we could use VGL's fps option if we 
knew the remote video refresh rate (or even if not something like 60hz 
would probably be a right-enough guess 95% of the time).

Another approach to deal with this could be to remove 
GLX_SGI_swap_control from the extension list.  At least this way 
(well-behaved) apps would *know* they can't control the update speed. 
(Although in wine's case it will simply warn and carry on, so the win32 
app calling wglSwapIntervalEXT()  doesn't actually know it failed to do 

That said, in the big picture, the reason people generally are using VGL 
is they're not having problems with the the rendering going by too fast. 
There's a reason VGL_SPOIL=1 by default.


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