On 3/3/11 11:21 AM, Nathan Kidd wrote:
> Another approach to deal with this could be to remove
> GLX_SGI_swap_control from the extension list.  At least this way
> (well-behaved) apps would *know* they can't control the update speed.
> (Although in wine's case it will simply warn and carry on, so the win32
> app calling wglSwapIntervalEXT()  doesn't actually know it failed to do
> anything.)

VirtualGL doesn't report GLX_SGI_swap_control when the application
queries GLX extensions, so well-behaved apps should already be avoiding
that call.  WINE apparently isn't well-behaved.  I think that, since
it's using glXGetProcAddress() to fetch the addresses of the functions
it calls, it makes the (normally valid) assumption that if the
underlying GL library has the glXSwapIntervalSGI symbol, it supports
that extension.  I could have just as easily worked around the problem
by returning NULL from WINE's call to
glXGetProcAddress("glXSwapIntervalSGI").  However, I wanted to go ahead
and interpose it so I could print a trace-mode warning.

My former coworker said he's going to ping one of the driver guys and
hopefully get some info on what the function is doing behind the scenes.
 I'm going to hold off on releasing 2.2.1 until I hear back from him,
but I suspect that the fix will fly as it stands.

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