Dear list,

We have an Ubuntu Linux installed *from scratch*, a Ubuntu LTS 10.4 32
bit on an Intel Atom D510 machine. Very simple vanilla installation out
of the box.

I did nothing else than use the automatic update the Ubuntu system.

Next, I've downloaded TurboVNC Debian package 1.0.1 32bit from
SourceForge and installed it with GDebi. Worked.

Turbo VNC starts up, I am able to connect to our TVNC server on another
machine and I may even assist a running session from another client
machine, keyboard and mouse works.


I am able to enter Fullscreen mode via F8, but then the following things

I get almost a full screen with TVNC, only Ubuntu insists to show its
header menu "Applications...". on the top 20 or so pixels. I could live
with that (as this is the only way I am able to gain control back on the
machine, see below:).

The mouse operates fine within the TVNC session but I have no control of
the TVNC session whatsoever when using the keyboard. No key gets through
to the session, nothing, no F8, no Alt-Ctrl-Backspace, nothing. This is
why the only way to end the session is to use Ubuntu's menu "Logout" and
the Ubuntu will kill TVNCviewer as well.

If I start an Ubuntu application it appears to start *behind* the TVNC
fullscreen content. Because Ubuntu still gets the keystrokes, I am able
to select "Logout" on the upper right corner and then hit Enter to log out.

I feel a bit strange using the newest TVNC on a rather old reliable
Ubuntu version without getting fullscreen mode to work. Does no one in
the world use this?

Apparently it has nothing to to with graphics (Nvidia) as only the
keystrokes seem to be misdirected.

If you are not able to point me to the solution:

How do I turn on logging to provide all neccessary information in order
to fix that bug?

Thanks in advance

<<attachment: delleske.vcf>>

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